Nowadays, toddler toys are getting more expensive day by day. Parents, therefore, may be frustrated with this phenomenon. Meanwhile, they may be confused about the age appropriateness of an item as well. In fact, toddler toys that promote learning activities are not always expensive. Among the expensive ones, we can still find many cheap toys yet promoting toddlers to learn in a toy stores. Utilize these guidelines to locate “cheap” toys that meet your toddlers’ developmental necessities.
12 - 18 Months
Spatial skills are primary at this age. Stacking toys are great to aid children sort and organize. Something as simple as stackable plastic cups or measuring cups will support toddlers to enhance hand-eye coordination and explore basic spatial skills of "in" and "out." Supplying blocks to sort into containers can confine toddler’s interest as well. Other appropriate suggestions will be pounding toys, books, and balls.
2 – 3 Years
At this age, parents should give more concern upon motor skills.
Consider purchasing toys that stimulate activity and enhance motor skills. A stash of various sized balls is perfect to harness toddler’s energy and to develop motor skills. As children throw and kick balls, they build gross motor muscles and practice hand-eye coordination. Other toys suitable for this age will be a pegboard and peg puzzles. These toys can assist toddlers to develop the small muscles in the fingers. If you prefer something quieter, then simple puzzles, basic coloring and painting activities, and building blocks will be the most favorite.
3 - 5 Years
Toddlers at this age are mastering their world of make believe. They like to imitate or to mirror the habits of the adults in their lives. Create a “make believe box” that contains dress-up items. Things in the box could include discarded hats, dad’s old sports coats, former Halloween costumes, and other cast-aside clothing. Toys that encourage pretend play and role-playing do well to encourage language skills, emotional strength, and discipline. Art supplies, books, and kid-friendly plastic baseballs and bats are great also for this age.
Hopefully, this guideline is able to help you to define cheap and appropriate toys for your toddlers.

Spatial skills are primary at this age. Stacking toys are great to aid children sort and organize. Something as simple as stackable plastic cups or measuring cups will support toddlers to enhance hand-eye coordination and explore basic spatial skills of "in" and "out." Supplying blocks to sort into containers can confine toddler’s interest as well. Other appropriate suggestions will be pounding toys, books, and balls.
2 – 3 Years
At this age, parents should give more concern upon motor skills.

3 - 5 Years

Hopefully, this guideline is able to help you to define cheap and appropriate toys for your toddlers.