Fisher Price - Little People Lil' Movers Airplane

Fisher Price - Little People Lil' Movers Airplane is one of vehicle toy from Fisher Price which help your toddler use his imagination in taking flight with the help of lights, sounds, talking and a fun sing-along song. With a pilot, two passengers,a door that opens, six windows, a piece of luggage, a handle over the cut-out top, working wheels and the obligatory face on the front of the craft, Fisher Price - Little People Lil' Movers Airplane your toddler are able to have a close-to-real experience in going somewhere by flight.It is recommended for 18 month to 4 year old toddler.

1. Lights, sounds, talking and a fun sing-along song make your toddler get his imagination on real flight. Like the noise comes out from the plane when the pilot is pressed down and it says a greeting or it plays a cute song. Moreover, the red lights at the base of the wings also flash with the same beat with the sound.
2. The size of this plane is rather big and heavy. However, the details given are more than enough for your toddler to pretend having his flight imagination.
3. It is very durable with sturdy wheel even your toddler dropped it several times everywhere, pushed it around the ground or even try to sit on it.
4. It is easy to move the little people in and out of the airplane though your toddler plays it with no sound. He can create his imagination himself.
5. The size of the little people is just right for little fingers of your toddler.

1. There is no male character of little people in the plane.
2. For toddler who like an interactive toy, this plane can drag his little attention only. He may need parent or a friend to accompany him playing it.